How To Research Keywords for Use On Your Website

Learn how to research keywords properly for for your website and start ranking for the keywords that help your website.

SEO Research for Good SEO Rankings


I have many websites, blogs, and e-commerce stores fail in keyword research which should be one of the most basic SEO tasks to accomplish.  The core keyword research of your website is one of the most overlooked yet essential aspects of every site build. These are also known as theme keywords of the website. I have even seen agencies, business owners, and personal blog writers start writing an article for a keyword without a proper keyword plan or linking structure. Let’s explain a little further:

How You Should Be Doing Your Keyword Research:

Let’s say I were trying to rank my auto body shop for a new service I am offering about engine repairs.  The website has never ranked for this service or keyword before. So, let’s go over the wrong way of doing it first:

Wrong Way to do SEO for keyword research and implementation:

  • Find a keyword related to engine repairs.
  • Write an article or blog about the new keyword you found.
  • Start sharing it on social media and other websites.
  • Continue to write articles and blog posts using the same keyword in different variations throughout the website.
  • Get tired of writing redundant articles about the same thing and give up on trying to rank for this new keyword because it is not producing the results you want.

Proper Way To Do SEO for keyword research and implementation:

  • Find the broadest term keyword of that root keyword. In this example, it would be engines.
  • Create a main service page for the keyword engine.
  • Find all the secondary keywords for Engine that apply to your new engine page which may include engine repair, depending on how specific you get.
  • Create a service page for each of the secondary keywords discussing these topics.
  • Write a blog and article posts pointing to the secondary keyword page.
  • Start sharing your recent blog posts on social media and start your backlink outreach plan.

The Proper way of keyword research allows for hundreds if not thousands of articles ideas because now they are in support of your core keywords. 

SEO Should Be Look at as an ecosystem that is living and breathing.

Remember your website is an ecosystem of content driven by relevance.  The more you take care of the ecosystem, the more it benefits what you put into it. An organized structure is a key to creating a thriving website that rank higher is more engaging for your visitors.

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